SEO has taken over the digital marketing industry by storm. We are witnessing SEO being the best tools for the marketing of blogs and articles. The SEO is also divided into two categories, On-Page and Off-page. On-page SEO deals with all the that you can do on your website to rank it higher like meta tags, headings and keywords. Off-Page SEO consists of the practices you do after publishing your website and the blogs. It incorporates social media advertising, article submission, blog marketing etc. On-Page SEO is just as important as the Off-Page SEO. It is also considered to be one of the most successful SEO techniques. On-Page SEO is a really powerful tool that can easily get your blog/website a good flow of traffic if done right. Here 10 tips for On-Page SEO to help build your audience. Read along!

The Title

The title of your page should be strongly advocate the content inside. It should incorporate the main keywords because Google Index System can give your blog a hard time in page ranking.

Meta Descriptions

Don’t ever forget to add meta descriptions in your blog. The descriptions are important because you get to add all your main keywords in them and these descriptions are used in the search results as well.

Meta Tags

For each one of your blog pages you are allowed to use a set of keywords in the form of meta tags. They should be the relevant keywords.


The structure of your URL matters a lot too. It is highly recommended to include main keywords in the URL and the location of these keywords should be proper as well.

Body Tags

When writing an article, don’t forget to break it into paragraphs with heading, that doesn’t only engages the user, but are also good slots to put your keywords in.

Keyword Density

Keyword density is something that helps the search engines to find out what your blog is exactly about. But don’t get too excessive while fitting in the keywords because you’ll have to keep it in a moderate manner. The ideal keyword density is 2-5%.

Image Alt Text

Never forget to put your heading tags in the images of your blog. It gives search engines another chance to link your blog with the keywords. This is called Image SEO.


Add backlinks in your blog related to the content you’ve written about. That makes a powerful amalgam because if backlinks of big websites are integrated in your blog then you’ll get extra mileage.

Internal Links

Not only links from other websites count, links from your own website matter too. It is a great way to improve your SEO if you are placing links of your own website as well.

SEO plugin

You won’t be able to incorporate meta descriptions and meta tags in your blog without the All In One SEO Plugin for wordpress. It is a powerful tool that allows you build a great SEO strategy along with functionality.

Start SEO-ing!

If you have read the tips above then you are ready to go with the SEO of your blog. Remember one thing, Rome was not built in a day. Be patient about it.


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